The Positive Impact Factor


Our friend from Pat Johnston has come up with an interesting SAT: The Positive Impact Factor (PIF) and was nice enough to give us an explanation of it along with a podcast explain it further, Thanks Pat.

I created this stat as a different way to evaluate a quarterback's performance. For starters, the Passer Rating formula is wildly different in college and pro ball. The perfect college passer rating is 1261.6 and 158.3 in the NFL. The NFL one makes a little more sense than the NCAA one where you can only get a perfect score for a 99 yard TD pass every pass. What neither formula includes is rushing statistics. The occasional pass reception also does not get included. Quarterbacks impact the game for their team more than just when they drop back to pass, so I wanted a way to figure out a way to measure this impact for any type of quarterback in the pro game or in college.

The Positive Impact Factor (PIF) therefore includes total touches (passing and rushing attempts and receptions), negative plays (incompletions, fumbles and sacks), extremely negative plays (interceptions and fumbles lost) and extremely positive plays (total TDs). The way the PIF is calculated is by first taking the negative plays and extremely negative plays and adding them up to get a total negative number. The PIF is based on a 100 point scale, so the number 100 is subtracted from the total negative number, for instance, 100-40. Then the extremely positive plays are added to get the final PIF number. The actual formula can be viewed in each of the PIF articles I write at In The Bleachers. Each Thursday this season, I will be posting the Top Ten and the updated standings for the FBS quarterbacks. You can view the initial Top Ten and standings here, and the current standings here. If the NFL is more your speed, you can see how your favorite quarterback did in the 2009 regular season here, or in the 2009 playoffs here. For a longer discussion of the PIF, you can listen to the podcast here

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